Cryotherapy for Fordyce Spots: A Promising Treatment Option


Fordyce spots, also known as Fordyce granules, are small, harmless spots that appear on the skin, particularly on the lips and genitals. While they are benign and do not pose any health risks, some individuals may feel self-conscious about their appearance. Cryotherapy, a procedure that involves the application of extreme cold, has emerged as a promising treatment option for reducing the visibility of Fordyce spots. In this blog post, we will explore cryotherapy as a treatment for Fordyce spots and discuss its benefits and considerations.

Understanding Cryotherapy for Fordyce Spots

Cryotherapy involves using liquid nitrogen or another freezing agent to freeze and destroy the affected tissue. When applied to Fordyce spots, the extreme cold temperature helps to eliminate the overactive sebaceous glands responsible for the spots. The procedure is relatively quick and is typically performed in a dermatologist's office.

Benefits of Cryotherapy

  1. Effective spot removal: Cryotherapy has shown positive results in reducing the visibility of Fordyce spots. By destroying the overactive glands, the procedure helps to eliminate or significantly diminish the appearance of the spots.

  2. Non-invasive procedure: Cryotherapy is a non-invasive treatment option that does not require incisions or sutures. This makes it a preferred choice for individuals who wish to avoid surgical interventions.

  3. Minimal downtime: Following cryotherapy, most individuals experience minimal downtime. While there may be some temporary redness or swelling, it usually resolves within a few days, allowing individuals to resume their regular activities quickly.

    cryotherapy for fordyce spots
    image courtesy wikiHow

Considerations for Cryotherapy

  1. Temporary side effects: It's important to note that cryotherapy may cause temporary side effects such as redness, swelling, or blistering in the treated area. However, these effects typically subside within a few days.

  2. Multiple sessions may be required: Depending on the severity of the Fordyce spots, multiple cryotherapy sessions may be necessary to achieve the desired results. These sessions are usually spaced several weeks apart to allow the skin to heal between treatments.

  3. Risk of scarring: While cryotherapy generally carries a low risk of scarring, there is still a possibility of temporary skin discoloration or scarring. It is essential to follow the post-treatment care instructions provided by the dermatologist to minimize these risks.


Cryotherapy has emerged as an effective and non-invasive treatment option for reducing the visibility of Fordyce spots. By freezing and destroying the overactive sebaceous glands responsible for the spots, cryotherapy offers a promising solution for those seeking to improve their appearance. While it may entail temporary side effects and require multiple sessions, the benefits of cryotherapy make it an attractive option for individuals dealing with Fordyce spots. If you're considering cryotherapy or any other treatment for Fordyce spots, it's always recommended to consult with a dermatologist who can evaluate your specific case and provide appropriate guidance.

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